The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, MFA in Studio Art, Photography Concentration, 2002-2005.
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, BFA in Photography, 1996-2001.
University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, Associate Professor, 2005-Present, Tenured in 2011.

CENTER Santa Fe, Curator’s Choice Award, 3rd Place. (Juried by Jeff Rosenheim, Curator in Charge, Department of Photographs, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) 2016.
The Photo Review 2016 Competition, Sixteenth Prize. (Juried by Malcolm Daniel, Curator of Photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) 2016.
Critical Mass Top 50 Award from PhotoLucida, 2014.
Dotphotozine Award for Excellence in Photography, $1000 grant and feature article in the September, 2014, issue of Dotphotozine, 2014.
$1000 Pacific Arts and Lectures Grant to bring Kathy Bancroft, a Paiute Leader from Lone Pine, CA, to Pacific’s campus as a guest speaker in conjunction with my exhibition, 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, 2014.
First Prize and $1000 Award, The Human Impact: New Directions in Landscape Photography juried exhibition at Book and Job Gallery, San Francisco, 2013.
University of the Pacific Rupley-Church Grant for International Relations, $3000 grant to work on a documentary photography project in the village of Dimen, Guizhou Provence, China, 2010.
2008 Kala Fellowship Awards, winner of an Artist Residency, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA. Residency completed in June - July 2009.
CENTER’s Review Santa Fe Photo Festival, Artist Talk for 2016 CENTER award winners, Nov. 2016.
The University of California at Santa Cruz, 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Feb. 2, 2016.
Pitzer College Mellon Foundation Lecture Series, Claremont, CA, 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Presented with Lone Pine Paiute Leader Kathy Bancroft, Jan. 26, 2016.
University of LaVerne, LaVerne, CA, 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Oct. 1, 2015.
University of the Arts Photography Program Paradigm Lecture Series, Philadelphia, PA,100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Mar. 26, 2015.
Society for Photographic Education (SPE) National Conference: Imagemaker Presentation, 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, New Orleans, LA, March 12-15, 2015.
Society for Photographic Education (SPE) West Regional Conference: 100 Years of Dust, Presented with Lone Pine Paiute Leader Kathy Bancroft, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 14-15, 2014.
Dimen Cultural Eco-museum Forum on the Preservation and Development of Ancient Villages, Dimen, Guizhou, China, Documenting Development in China, August 7-10, 2010.
Stanford University, Artist Talk for Robert Dawson’s class, November 17, 2009.
Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA, Kala Artist-in-Residence Talk, August 19, 2009.
San Francisco Art Institute, Artist Talk for Linda Connor’s class, April 15, 2009.
Foto 3 Conference, Presenter and Portfolio Reviewer, June 6-8, 2008, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Panelist: Landscape Photography with John Sexton, Jennifer Little, and Derek Lofgreen.
Panelist: Photographic Education, Now and in the Future, with Gary Samson and Jennifer Little.
Panelist: Challenges Facing the Emerging Photographer, with Gary Huibretgse and Jennifer Little.
Solo Exhibition: 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Irene Carlson Gallery, University of La Verne, La Verne, CA, 2015.
Solo Exhibition: 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct, Sol Mednick Gallery, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA. (Curated by Harris Fogel, Professor, University of the Arts.) 2015.
2-Person Exhibition: Excavating the Underground: Photographs by Jennifer Little and Mike Osborne, Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. (Juried by the Stanford Gallery Committee.) 2010.
Solo Exhibition: Barriers and Conduits: Viewing the Urban Landscape, Workspace Gallery, Lincoln NE. (Curated by Dana Fritz, Associate Professor, Department of Art & Art History, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.) 2008.
2-Person Exhibition: Jay Etkin Gallery, Memphis, TN. (Curated by Jay Etkin.) 2006.
Solo Exhibition: Urban Nature: Photographs by Jennifer Little, The New Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. (Curated by Michael Ray Charles.) 2005.
Global Perspectives: CENTER’s International Photographic Award Winners, Marion Center for the Photographic Arts, Santa Fe University of Art and Design, February 23 – April 7, 2017.
The Photo Review 2016 Competition Exhibition, University of the Arts Gallery 1401, Nov. 4 – Dec. 2, 2016.
Critical Mass Top 50 Exhibition, GuatePhoto International Photography Festival, Guatemala, Sept. 2015. (Curated by Rebecca Senf, Curator, Center for Creative Photography and the Phoenix Art Museum.)
Heat: SF Camerawork Annual Juried Exhibition, San Francisco Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA. (Juried by Jim Casper, Editor and Publisher, LensCulture; Pete Brook, Writer and Curator; Seth Curcio, Associate Director, Pier 24 Photography; Janet Delaney, Photography Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley.) 2015.
2014 California Open Exhibition, Tag Gallery, Bergamot Station Arts Center, Santa Monica, CA. (Juried by Laddie John Dill.)
The Human-Altered Landscape, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT. (Juried by Russell Lord, Curator of Photographs, New Orleans Museum of Art.) 2014.
The Human Impact: New Directions in Landscape Photography, Book and Job Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Won First Prize. (Juried by Jo Babcock, Lucas Foglia, and Andrew Paynter.) 2013.
Dimen in Transition: Faculty and Student Work from Dimen, China, Reynolds Gallery, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. 2012.
Aground, the 16th Annual Photography Competition Exhibition, Photo Center Northwest, Seattle, WA. (Juried by Karen Irvine, Curator, the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL.) 2011.
Portrait Revealed, Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA. (Juried by Ann Jastrab, Rayko Gallery Director.) 2010.
3-Person Exhibition: Vacant Spaces: Memory and Implied Presence in Contemporary Photography, Photographs by Toni Pepe, Jennifer Little, and Rebecca Sittler-Schrock, Eisentrager-Howard Gallery, The University of Nebraska at Lincoln. (Juried by Rosemary Burke.) 2009.
3-Person Exhibition: Urban Visions: Photographs by Jennifer Little, Roger Lieberman, and Gil Todd, Viewpoint Photographic Art Center, Sacramento, CA. (Juried by Viewpoint Curatorial and Exhibits Committee.) 2009.
On View: New Work from Kala, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA. (Juried by Yuzo Nakano.) 2009.
Code-Switchers, The LAB, San Francisco, CA. (Juried by Steven Dye, Exhibitions Technical Manager at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and Stephanie Syjuco.) 2008.
It’s Photography III, Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, Novato, CA. (Juried by Will Mosgrove, Director of Graduate Photography, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA.) 2008.
Our World: From the Document to the Expressive Image, San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery and PhotoAlliance. (Juried by Linda Connor, Professor of Photography, San Francisco Art Institute; and Thom Sempere, Executive Director of PhotoAlliance, San Francisco.) 2007.
2nd Denver International Exhibition, Denver International Airport’s Main Gallery, Denver, CO. (Curated by The Center for Fine Art Photography.) 2007.
People, Places, and Things, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO. (Juried by Andrew Darlow, Editorial Director of Digital Imaging Techniques magazine.) 2006.
AMODA Digital Showcase, Austin Museum of Digital Art, Austin, TX. (Juried by Hanna Hillerova.) 2004.
Photo Austin 5: Lens Based Works by Women Photographers, Idea Gallery, Austin, TX. (Juried by Debra Sugerman.) 2004.
Jay Etkin Gallery, Memphis, TN. (Curated by Jay Etkin.) 2002.
The Photo Review 2016 Competition Issue. One color reproduction of my photograph. Print.
Smithson, Aline, “Center Awards: Curator’s Choice: Jennifer Little.” Lens Scratch, 5 May 2016. Web. 15 color photographs and a 5 minute video.
Jastrab, Ann. “Selected Photographers and Images from the Medium Festival of Photography.” All About, 26 October 2015. Web. Three color reproductions of my photographs.
“Thieves Steal 10 Years’ Worth Of Photographer’s Work.” Picture Correct, 6 October 2015. Web.
Zhang, Michael. “Photographer Loses Life’s Work After Burglars Steal 21 Hard Drives.” Peta Pixel, 27 September 2015. Web.
"Oakland Photographer Whose Life’s Work Was Stolen Gets Camera Back." CBS SF Bay Area. 26 September 2015. 10:05 PM. Web.
Lee, Amber. Video Interview. “Photographer Asks for Help after Digital Photos, Cameras Stolen.” 10:00 pm News.
FOX 2 KTVU San Francisco. 25 September 2015. Broadcast TV.
Ayers, Christin. Video Interview. “Burglars Take Cameras, Hard Drives Holding Oakland Photographer's Life Work.” 11:00 pm News. CBS 5 KPIX SF Bay Area. 25 September 2015. Broadcast TV.
“Jennifer Little: Award for Excellence in Photography.” Dotphotozine September 2014 v4: 40-43. Seven color reproductions of my photographs. Print.
“Hidden.” ArtAscent Magazine August 2014 v8: 32-37 and 105. Seven color reproductions of my photographs. Print.
The Human-Altered Landscape, PhotoPlace Gallery Exhibition Catalogue, Blurb Books, 2014. One color reproduction of my photograph. Print.
Messner, Myra. “Jennifer Little and Mike Osborne at Stanford.” Square Cylinder Northern California Art. Square Cylinder On-Line Mag., 20 July 2010. Web. Review of my exhibition at Stanford. Three reproductions of my photographs.
“Excavating the Underground.” Palo Alto Weekly 16 July 2010: 30. Review of my exhibition at Stanford. One color reproduction of my photograph. Web and Print.
“Jennifer Little.” Mono Lake: Photography and the Environment Workshop. Eds. Robert Dawson and Thom Sempere. San Francisco: PhotoAlliance, 2009. 68-78. Nine color reproductions of my photographs. Print.
Little, Jennifer. “Transience: Photographs and Text by Jennifer Little.” View Camera Magazine, Nov.-Dec. 2008: 6-10. Three color reproductions of my photographs. Print.
“Artist’s Showcase, The Center for Fine Art Photography.” CameraArts Magazine Jan.-Feb. 2007. One color reproduction of my photograph. Print.
May, Jacqueline. “Lens Based Works by Women Photographers.” The Austin Chronicle 30 April 2004. Review of a group exhibition. Print.
Brenner, Wayne Alan. “Superstring: Fully Baked.” The Austin Chronicle 22 Aug. 2003: 30. Review of a group exhibition. One color reproduction of my photograph. Print and web.